Helping Your Company Create An Igniting Strategy

What Does It Mean To Ignite Strategy?

Ignition happens when something catches fire. The strategy is your company’s plan. It’s more than the latest tactics that you use to get give short term wins. Strategy is about foundational decision that direct your company towards the future. An igniting strategy energizes the company. Staff becomes motivated and commits to common decisions.

To achieve an igniting strategy the company needs to have certain things in place beyond what has already been mentioned. The strategy needs agility and the company needs a way to manage implementation. 

The Framework For An Igniting Strategy

3 Interconnected Loops That Are Always Active

Strategy framework with 3 loops. Direct, Prioritize, Act. This framework is used by Stradigo.

Here’s a short overview of our framework that we use to explain how a company can achieve an igniting strategy. The framework is made up by three interconnected loops. Each loop represents a phase of the company’s strategy process. 

In the first loop rotates at a quarterly speed. The company’s status is reviewed and changes to the direction can be made if necessary. During the second loop work is prioritized on a weekly level. What is prioritized depends on what was decided in the first loop. In the third loop actions take place on a daily level. The actions come from the prioritization done on a weekly level.

The key in this this framework is that each loop needs to be connected to the other loops. Everything starts from the first loop and get inherited to the next loops. This connects the strategy with concrete goals and practical action. If the need arises, changes can be made at the appropriate level. This is what we mean to have an igniting strategy with agility – An Agile Strategy.

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Stradigo is a brand owned by Rdigo Oy (Business-ID: 2120844-1).

Learn more from our Imprint.

Rdigo Oy is registered in Finland as a Limited company. We are a strategy consultancy located in the Helsinki capital region.

We’ve been in business since 2007. The company name comes from the latin word Redigo, meaning both ‘I shape’ & ‘I renew’.

Stradigo combines the word strategy with Rdigo.