2. Blogs About Strategic Management

Once the company has created its strategic plan, the implementation has to occur. The strategy must transfer from a plan into action. In these blogs about strategic management, we detail our observations on best practices. 

About Strategic Management

Companies need robust strategy implementation and to kickstart the strategy implementation process. It’s not enough to only have goals, but they must also transfer into concrete action. And the execution of these goals can occur through sprints, and the company management can manage the sprints effectively through a better meeting structure. The management can empower these springs by multiplying meeting efficiency.

Yet, corporate hierarchies can make strategic management a challenge. The management can choose to develop an agile hybrid organization. Through internal reorganization and springs, the strategic plan can culminate into an agile strategy that adapts to changes in the market.

Even if the setup can prove practical, cultural differences can be a hurdle. Yet, they are possible to overcome with proper understanding. As implementation progresses over the strategic goals can be updated quarterly. When activity speeds up and the organization grows, it can be challenging to keep everything on track. That’s when a company benefits from deploying a better meeting structure. Management can improve by transferring the management system into a transparent digital environment. Avoid, however, the trap of perfectionism. The company’s steering can improve things over time with tweaking.

2.05 Agile Hybrid Organization

Agile Hybrid Organization | 2.05 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn XING Reddit WhatsApp Telegram Email We held an amazing workshop online, and I’m so excited about it.

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2.07 Agile Strategy

Agile Strategy — 2.07 Share this blog Facebook Twitter LinkedIn XING Reddit WhatsApp Telegram Email Many strategies feel stiff and high-flying, like they are soaring above the clouds, a

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2.09 Goals quarterly

Quarterly Goals — 2.09 Share this blog Facebook Twitter LinkedIn XING Reddit WhatsApp Telegram Email Today’s topic is about setting quarterly strategic goals. How does

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Stradigo is a management consultancy that helps business owners outsmart the competition by discovering blind spots and facilitating the creation of winning strategies.