5. Blogs About Customer Strategy

Our blogs cover various topics that relate to the strategy process. We have written a selection of blogs about customer strategy because they are closely related to a company’s success and warrant presence during the strategy process.

About Customer Strategy

The customer should also be present in the strategic plan and implementation. We mainly mean this in a technical sense, where management and staff consider planning implementation. But, some companies involve the customers during the creation and implementation process. If you have ever encountered or thought about customer orientation in your work, then it’s worth taking your time and familiarizing yourself with these blogs.

To properly take the customer into account in your strategic plan, a requirement is to understand them in depth. Customers naturally spend time online, so approaching them online makes sense. If you aren’t experienced in digital sales, look at our simplified post on digital sales. Whom your company targets are based on customer segmentation. In preparation for your sales calls, it’s highly beneficial to understand the strategic core questions your customers deal with.

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5.03 Customer Segmentation

Customer Segmentation — 5.03 Share this blog Facebook Twitter LinkedIn XING Reddit WhatsApp Telegram Email Today’s topic is customer segmentation. Do you know what the

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Stradigo is a brand owned by Rdigo Oy (Business-ID: 2120844-1).

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Rdigo Oy is registered in Finland as a Limited company. We are a strategy consultancy located in the Helsinki capital region.

We’ve been in business since 2007. The company name comes from the latin word Redigo, meaning both ‘I shape’ & ‘I renew’.

Stradigo combines the word strategy with Rdigo.