Free Strategic Planning Template


There are thousands of templates for Strategic Planning. On this site, we provide you with only one. However, it is a real killer in clarifying what your company should do. We call it the Strategy One Pager or Strategy 1Pager – as we prefer to spell it. This Powerpoint template is the output of your strategic planning. It is a worksheet that helps you to summarize everything you need in a neat, simple package. 

This template has been in use since 2007 in hundreds of companies. It has been tweaked and further developed over the years. The main goal has been securing the winning formula for the company – the Height of Thought – and simplification of the output. It combines a higher level of thinking with concrete, doable goals for the implementation.

PowerPoint Template For Strategic Planning

You can download the Strategy 1Pager PowerPoint template here including three examples and a Strategy Acid Test of your current state. Enjoy! 

Here are descriptions of the five components of the form.  

1. Purpose – The Why.   
2. Strategic Targets  
3. Strategy Statement  
4. Focus Areas – The How.  
5. Breakthrough Goals  

Example of Strategic Plans

The Strategy 1Pager PowerPoint template is a neat way to summarize your strategy.  Here is an example of the strategy document for a software company. 

See 5 more business strategy presentation examples in ppt from here. If you are interested to get ideas how to challenge your current thinking  

and identify the text to the elements on the strategy document, please get the Strategy 1Pager Crash Course from here.

1. Purpose – The Why.  Your company exists to solve a customer problem. That is WHY you are on the market. Naturally, you want to grow, get revenue, and make profits. But those things are the result of you solving the customers problem. The Business Purpose is your North Star. It is a combination of the Mission and Vision. Purpose = Mission + Vision. Instead of having two terms you can simplify them to one, the Purpose. It is your big quest that is present already here today and will be further deepened in the future. The Purpose is the deep motivator of both your own people and the customers. Clarify it in a short form to the 1Pager.

2. Strategic Targets. Here you summarize your financial goals. What is your revenue target for e.g., 3 years ahead. What is the profitability you want to reach. These targets affect the ambition level for your strategy. If you want to grow fast, the measures you should take are different than if you are satisfied with a smaller growth.

Dart board
Image of a sector that represents strategic decisions. Blue dotted arrow inside the sector charting a path towards the sun, representing purpose.

3. Strategy Statement. This is the Elevator Speech of your strategy. There is only space for a few sentences. The statement defines your Playground. The main cornerstone principles of your playground should be stated here. What customers, customer segment, do you want to serve? For which customers should you be better than everybody else. What are the high-level principles how you are going to do that? Crystallize them here.

4. Focus Areas. When you know the ambition level of your business by defining points 1-3 above, you should make the road concrete and doable. A great help is to discuss and agree which are the 3-4 Focus Areas you need to especially confront. The 1Pager template has only three Focus Areas as usually less is more. The less focus you have, the better the result in those areas. Figure out your Focus Areas and write them there.

5. Breakthrough Goals. The Focus Areas are still high-level definitions. To make them concrete you divide each of them in 2-3 goals. They might be development projects, or they might be activities that do not have to be done in a project form. The Breakthrough goals are the part of the strategy that everybody wants to know as they are doable. People want to know what to do next. The trick is to have your head in the clouds but with long legs! You need both height of thought and concrete doable activities.

Download Our Strategic Management Acid Test Today!

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Stradigo is a brand owned by Rdigo Oy (Business-ID: 2120844-1).

Learn more from our Imprint.

Rdigo Oy is registered in Finland as a Limited company. We are a strategy consultancy located in the Helsinki capital region.

We’ve been in business since 2007. The company name comes from the latin word Redigo, meaning both ‘I shape’ & ‘I renew’.

Stradigo combines the word strategy with Rdigo.